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Monday 1 March 2021

Mock Up Logos

 Every designer’s dirty little secret is that they copy other designer’s work. They see work they like, and they imitate it. Rather cheekily, they call this inspiration.


When my siblings and I were way younger my mother used to tell us this bedtime story every night. Funny how we never got tired of it. It happened long ago in the Animal kingdom far in the East. There was famine in the land. No food and little water. Even the little meat providers, the rabbits, had relocated to the human territory. Larger animals who tried to follow were all killed. Animals were dying of hunger, both young and old. Finally, the king of the Animal kingdom came up with a very brutal solution to their problem. The king who was a lion declared that every animal family would provide one of their children to be cooked as food for the rest of the animals everyday. Three families would be chosen everyday. "Whoever does not comply would be killed along with the rest of his/her family" the king warned. For weeks piglets, chicks, lambs, e.t.c were killed. The animals seemed to have solved the problem of famine in the land though the food was never enough. It was finally Mrs Nanny the goat's turn. Her husband was late and so she was the head of her family. Nanny was very popular for her wisdom across the Animal kingdom in the East and beyond which was very ironic as goats are known to be very stupid animals. Nanny the goat had eight kids. Nwaevulako was her youngest and favuorite child. Oh how she loved Nwaevulako. He was the youngest yet the wisest. He was just as wise as his mother. At noon the king's guards came to take Nwaevulako to the palace to be cooked. His mother left him with one statement, "Be wise". On reaching the palace that evening Nwaevulako got to know that the king had not cooked any of his children. And because of his greed and selfishness he often ate a whole animal that was meant to be for the whole kingdom. That was pure evil! At night the king painted Nwaevulako black and painted his own child white, he went ahead to put Nwaevulako by his left hand side and his child on his right hand side. It was time for bed. All the palace animals were fast asleep. All except Nwaevulako. He couldn't sleep. He stayed up wondering why the king painted him black and his child white, and why the king put him on the left and his child on the right. Then it clicked. "The king wants to eat me this night!" "If I am not sacrificing myself for the kingdom I am certainly not dying for a wicked greedy king!" Nwaevulako stood up quietly and washed off the paint. He painted himself white. While he waited for the paint to dry he painted the king's child black and put him at the king's left hand side while he slept at the king's right hand side. Later that night Nwaevulako heard the king roar and tear up his own child. Nwaevulako was scared that the king would find out but nevertheless he stayed still till the king was done with his meal. When day broke everyone was gathered at the palace for the meal of the day. The Leopard's cub, pigeon's chicks and Nwaevulako. They all stepped forward including Nwaevulako. The king was surprised to see Nwaevulako. Forgetting that other animals were present he yelled, "How can you be alive? I ate you last night like I always eat a whole animal!" All the animals gasped! Nwaevulako chuckled and said to the king "I am Nwaevulako, wisest child of my mother, Mrs Nanny the goat, the wisest animal in the Eastern Animal kingdom and beyond! I discovered your evil and selfish plan and so I switched places with your child. You ate your child last night unknowingly." The king was devastated. He was furious. He had been fooled by a mere kid, a baby goat! He began to chase Nwaevulako round the kingdom. Nwaevulako discovered a little tunnel that led to the human kingdom. He squeezed himself through it. The lion could not find him. He got angry and returned to his palace. Nwaevulako on the other hand could no longer returned to his family for fear of what the king would do to him so he started his own family in the human kingdom with other goats he found there. That was how goats multiplied in the human kingdom.


Tuesday 23 February 2021

There's A Monster Under My Bed

 I grew up in Nigeria, Benue state, Makurdi. Precisely behind Deo-grastia school. I really loved our old house. It was so much fun living with my grandmother. I'd go to school in the morning and return after noon. She'd help me out with my homework and then tell me stories till nightfall. Nightfall. I hated the night time at grandma's house. There was a monster under my bed.

Every night at exactly 11:00pm WAT I heard a sound that no one else seemed to hear. It started off with a soft "brrrrrr" like someone was snoring, then it intensified to a growl. Then it softened back to a "hmmmm" then back a growl. Every single night. Not one night missed. I couldn't sleep. I never dared to look under the bed. I told my grandma about it but she never believed me. She thought it was just one of those things kids make up. I pleaded with her to at least listen to it but she said she never heard any sound coming from my room.

One day in 2012 I asked my grandma to stay with me, on my bed for the night. She would probably be able to hear the sound better. At 8:00pm WAT we were ready for bed. She laid on my bed and I beside her. I kept my head on her chest as she smoothened out my hair and brushed her palm against my back slowly. I knew she slept off when she stopped. At exactly 11:00pm WAT it started.

"Mama, Mama" I whispered as I shook her to wake up.

"Mn? Mn? Y-ye-yes?" She stuttered as she opened her eyes.

"Can you hear it? Do you hear it?"

"Hear what?"

"The sound. It has started"

"I can't hear anything"

Oh my God. Grandma could not hear it but I could, loud and clear. Or was it just in my head? I began to scream and cry. I was much more scared now.  No one could hear the sound I heard. Was I loosing it? That was the worst night of my life. 

I sat on the rocking chair outside, on the yard staring at the road as I remembered my childhood and that dreadful night. My brows furrowed as a thought slid into my mind.

"I'm older now. I'm stronger now. I'll go back to the house and see."

I quickly started the car and drove to my old house. It was very dusty when I got in. Spider webs everywhere, dead and alive cockroaches, sheesh! It was just 2:00pm WAT. I cleaned the living room and laid on the couch starring at the ceiling awaiting nightfall.

At exactly 10:40pm WAT I went into the room. Everything was exactly as it was since I left. 

"I guess no one's been here since grandma died."

There was an iron rod leaning against the bathroom wall, probably from a window. I picked it up.

"Might come in handy"

11:00pm WAT. It started.

"Okay, you're older now, you're older now" I said to myself.

Slowly, noiselessly I looked under the bed for the first time since I started hearing that sound. I turned on the flashlight on my Android phone and there it was. Nothing. There was nothing there, nothing under the bed. Unbelievable! It was never real. 

Then I heard it say "COME"


It was a soft hoarse whisper that seemed to echo. Should I run? Should I scream? 

I asked, "Come where?"

I crawled under the bed into the darkness. I kept on crawling and crawling, crawling and crawling. "My bed isn't this big, how long have I been crawling?". I kept crawling till I reached a set stairs. I climbed down the stairs into what seemed to look like an underground sewage drainage facility. How does under my bed lead to this murky place?

"Hello?", Shouldn't have said that.

But I got a reply. From IT. 


The soft hoarse whisper came from behind me. There was... a figure. I couldn't quite make out what it was so I shone my flashlight towards the figure and...

Bright green enormous snake-like eyes where staring right at me. It was huge with hair all over it's body. I screamed as I ran in the slimy liquid back up the stairs. The stairs seemed longer this time. I don't know if the creature was chasing after me, I didn't look back. But I could feel that those eyes were still staring at me. I crawled out from under the bed, ran out of the room, out of the house and into my car.

"Those green eyes"

"Those green eyes"

After a few seconds I started the car and zoomed off.

"There really was a monster under my bed!"

"Shit! I dropped my phone!"

Friday 19 February 2021

Tuesday 16 February 2021


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